How to Kill Negative Thoughts

How to Kill Negative Thoughts

Negativity is an imaginary boundary that hinders us from being the most authentic and successful versions of ourselves. When we are consumed by negative thoughts we become limited in our abilities to coexist, create and cater to our needs. To be successful in diminishing thoughts that postpone our progress and diminish our feelings of self-worth, we must first identify the different types of negative thoughts.


Whether we want to admit it or not, we are all guilty of judging others. Judgment stems from insecurity within ourselves. When we are insecure about how we look, what we have or what we do, we mindlessly belittle those around us to feel better about ourselves. We try to convince ourselves that we are better, but in reality, we are far from content with our own lives. 


In our day to day lives, we can be so caught up in our daily routines that we become overwhelmed with feelings of self-doubt. We question our lives and wonder if we are doing enough. Self-doubt stems from a variety of reasons such as mistakes made in the past, comparison and the fear of failing. The inability to give yourself credit for your accomplishments also ties into self-doubt and coincides with imposter syndrome. When dealing with imposter syndrome you may feel that your accomplishments are solely based on luck and not on your capabilities. 


The more times you complain about your daily annoyances and dissatisfaction’s with those around you, you are making it easier for your brain to repeat the behavior of complaining. Over time, you will find that it is easier to complain about things you have no control over than to be positive about the world around you. 

Listening to Your Emotions 

Negative thoughts stem from an underlying emotion. To unlink yourself from negativity, it’s important for you to listen to your emotions and determine what they’re trying to tell you. 


A bitter attitude reflects that you are still holding onto judgment whether that be against yourself or others. Bitterness signifies that you are in need of healing. Engaging in bitter feelings is poisonous to your own well-being. Being bitter isn’t going to dull anyone’s shine but your own. 

In order to combat a bitter attitude, you have to focus on the good in your own life. Practice immersing yourself in gratitude. Be grateful for the apples in your fruit bowl, the beauty in the summer afternoon and the chocolate chip cookies you just had to have. Make it an effort to see the good in others, and if you can’t find it, then be the good for others to see. 


Living with a resentful heart means you’re living in the past. The more time you spend your energy thinking about someone who hurt you, you get caught up in anger. Allowing yourself to indulge in resentful attitudes signifies that you are willingly giving the person who hurt you power. 

The key to breaking the bondage of resentment is to forgive. Let’s be clear. Forgiveness doesn’t mean you are excusing someone’s hurtful actions nor does it mean you need to forget what happened. Forgiveness is acknowladging that something hurtful has happened and is the action of choosing to move on with your life. Keep in mind that forgiveness is something you do for yourself, not for anyone else.


An important attribute in learning to live free from negativity is to be mindful of your environment. Take notice when you find yourself in situations that make you feel uncomfortable and learn how you can limit those situations in the future. Pay attention to the environment that you surround yourself in. Be aware of the amount of screen time you’re allowing yourself to have and the amount of work you immerse yourself with. 


The key to living a positive life is all about taking the initiative to do so. Make the declaration that you are in control of your life and your emotions. Be mindful of the thoughts you have towards others and yourself. Feed yourself with positive affirmations and encouragement daily. 

Set boundaries that prohibit you from indulging in negative acts. Remove yourself from conversations rooted in gossip. Don’t allow other’s negativity to spoil your growth. Identify your triggers and avoid them when possible. 

You deserve to live a life overflowing with infectious positivity. Always remember to be the good in the world if you cannot find it. Live your life by focusing on your own personal growth. Your life is a garden. Pull out people who act like weeds and water your own goals.